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Edelbrock Carb help needed

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You can get the check valve (1/4" female pipe threaded) in NAPA Fuel Pumps p/n# a0001q, or Delphi p/n# fa10016, but I think its all in the carb, which will be full of what looks like sand, but it's the ethanol-heavy fuels' effect.   >:(

Mr Diesel:
I like those parts you referenced. Found a Carter version on Ebay and ordered it too. All look much better than anything I've found locally.

I like the fact that they don't have built-in nipples so that you can can change sizes, use 45 or 90 degree fittings, or even A/N fittings, or with inverted-seat adapters, can plumb into steel line. 

78 Chevyrado:
Do you have an open air filter element?  Like the edelbrock open elements?  If so that lets the fuel evaporate out of the bowls faster than the stock closed filter housing does. 


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