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New to me Truck = new problems

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--- Quote from: Mike81K10 on October 25, 2024, 09:13:48 PM ---An old car I used to have had a worn down ignition key that would start the car and I could pull it out while it was running with that particular key. My other keys that were not worn down would not come out.

So, is your key heavily worn down?

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I just replaced the ignition cylinder and it fixed the key coming out. thats not to say the keys not worn as it is and its getting replaced monday to prevent it wrecking this new cylinder.


--- Quote from: VileZambonie on December 07, 2024, 07:30:33 AM ---It sure sounds like an ignition switch and new key cylinder is in order.

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replaced the cylinder and it seemed to work better. wanted to bypass the passkey system just so its not an issue and for grins i also swapped in the original BCM.
even though i knew the resistance of the passkey and had an adjustable resistor i did a key (passkey) relearn. works like a chime.

while i was under the dash i noticed someone rigged up the BCM. someone stripped an 12GA orange wire and wrapped a jumper wire around it then tapped into the BCM orange wires. i found out that wire they tapped into only had power while the key was "on". things started clicking in my head and i jumped 12v from the battery to the BCM and everything works like it should. lights go on when you open the door and radio shuts off.

of course i dont want to rig it up so now i have to do what the other "mechanic" should have done and trouble shoot why the BCM doesnt have power all the time.


--- Quote from: jeremy.farlow on December 07, 2024, 04:01:30 PM ---Anecdotally, I learned about the GM passkey protections the hard way a few years back with a Cadillac Escalade. It didn't dawn on me that GM would still be THAT concerned about theft of a radio, but we discovered that cycling the key without the radio installed netted us a completely locked down Escalade.

I had the car for a motion picture cannon gag, so we basically gutted the interior, installed a full roll cage, pyrotechnic cannon and fuel cell. I cannot say if it was only cycling the ignition one time, or a series of times, without the radio plugged in that caused the padlock to appear in the heads up and meant bringing in someone with the correct scan tool and software to rectify. We still wound up "sending" the truck with the aftermarket stereo covered in foam and gaffers-tape and zip-tied to one of the roll cage bars. The stuntie driving wasn't super excited to have the thing in his "office space", but it was the only way I could be certain the truck would start and run while when the expense of cameras running happened.

I'm sure there are ways around it, and reading the thread it seems you have gotten past it all. Sorry for being late to the party with relevant information all the same.

Be safe


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yeah the passkey is odd and easy to bypass. you can even bypass it without taking the 30 minutes to do the relearn


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