73-87 Chevy _ GMC Trucks > Projects Posts (NOT VEHICLES)
Too much light???
--- Quote from: JohnnyPopper on December 08, 2021, 06:01:43 PM ---I hope you don't mind if I lift this idea for the '80 C10 I have under constructions. I'm going to look for channel to put the strip lights in though.
It's a really nice touch, haven't seen anyone do this before!
--- End quote ---
Not at all. Copying is the best compliment! :-)
Looking forward to see what you find. My friend kept telling me to find strip lights instead.
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Yeah, this thread has inspired me to find something to put under the hood for those inevitable night time roadside issues. I seriously doubt it will be as elegant as what is featured here, but Pearl was never intended to be just a pretty gurl. More a stout, practical, but cute one. Ok, maybe a 2" lowering but it's all about the payload for this one. :D
I tried out my magnetic switch, it runs on when I close the hood and off when I open it. Sigh. Time for "normally closed" switch.
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Having fun with relays... 8)
Argh, don't use those leds, mine shorted out, they aren't sticking properly to the 3m Tape, going to have to take down.
The new switch works, though.
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