73-87 Chevy _ GMC Trucks > Projects Posts (NOT VEHICLES)

Brass Bow Tie

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Mr. Machanic:
The bow tie was missing before we met.
Kept looking online but again, being the skin-flint, I is, it looked easy enuf to make.
Picked a piece of .010 brass from Hobby Lobby for $4.00.
Made a tracing rub of the frame it was supposed to go into and cut out a pattern.
Before C.A.D. meant computer aided design, C.A.D. meant cardboard aided design and both serve me well. There was enuf material to layout 2 bow ties, so one was used as a prototype to prove out the concept and then the second was made with great care to avoid any kinks or dents.
The biggest time consumer was fitting the bow tie into the frame, because the walls of the frame have draft to facilitate original molding ejection out of the mold.
Once the shape and size was achieved the Starburst was drawn with sharpie marker.
Each wedge section was masking taped off and 600g wet/dry was used to remove any scratches and then very fine scotch Brite softened the sanding marks. Once each wedge section was completed, Flitz polish was used to bring up the shine and to help protect from oxidation until a clear gloss can be shot.
Then 2 sided mounting tape will secure it until a stone hits it...oh well, it was a fun learning experience.
In the photo the pattern is in the middle and prototype on the bottom.

Mr. Machanic:
Another photo with prototype in place....sorta.

Mr. Machanic:
An in process photo.

Almost forgot..
The pieces were cut out with some very sharp sewing scissors....well, they were sharp...

Mr Diesel:
I like that.

I like for the sake of custom.

Prefer stock app's myself.


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