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Members Rides / Re: 81 K10 Build
« Last post by Mike81K10 on Today at 01:56:37 PM »
Working on my truck has been sporadic because of my wife health. She has had a downturn over the last few weeks and she has had most of my time dedicated to her. It is a welcome distraction when I can work on my truck.
Members Rides / Re: 81 K10 Build
« Last post by Mike81K10 on Today at 01:49:22 PM »
Installed my Tachometer (temporarily have it sitting on dash) it is all wired in and ran my truck today for the first time. Set the timing, yet I need to get another distributor wrench that will allow me to tighten it up. Hard to get to. It is a little bit loud and idles a little bit rough. Will get a better idea of how good it will run when I install my tail lights and reinstall my bumper and a few things. I need to take it to the professional exhaust place in town to get my exhaust system fitted a bit better. It does not fit quite right from the kit.

My fuel pressure gauge is working, it shows about 6 PSI.

I don't use You Tube. Do you just give a URL where a video is or can you upload one on the forum?
General Discussion / Re: 4x4 Trails!!
« Last post by JohnnyPopper on September 19, 2024, 11:09:04 PM »
That was nice...Thanks!

I am born and raised San Diego, this truly is a great part of creation.

I've tried to live other places in this country, always returned here.
Members Rides / Re: 84 Jimmy Build
« Last post by 1981lt1 on September 19, 2024, 03:43:01 PM »
I wish all of the repairs were this easy...

Members Rides / Re: New truck in the drive
« Last post by JohnnyPopper on September 19, 2024, 12:30:52 PM »
Sadly (actually not too sadly) I live in Cali, the land of fruits and nuts.

It's a 96 Benz S class, they see me coming from ten miles away... :(

I'll check out the video, trying to sell it but gross polluter is not working at the moment.

Thanks for the follow up! 8)
Members Rides / Re: 84 Jimmy Build
« Last post by 1981lt1 on September 18, 2024, 04:51:10 PM »
Pretty slow progress over the past few weeks.  Work has been crazy and I've had no motivation.  I did get some grinding and dent pulling done, and I got this small piece near the driver rocker fixed.

Electrical / Re: Problem installing wiring harness
« Last post by greenacres on September 18, 2024, 02:02:02 PM »
I am an idiot. I’m too embarrassed to say the mistake I made. You are correct. I have never done this before and it’s hard trying to figure out what’s what. Thank you, you have been a great help. I will probably have more questions later.
Electrical / Re: Problem installing wiring harness
« Last post by bd on September 18, 2024, 01:09:40 PM »
The ignition switch uses two interlocking connectors, each connector pair is bi-colored (white/black, or less frequently, blue/black).  IIRC, the black connector must be plugged into the switch before its switchmate.  If you have only ONE connector already attached to the ignition switch, something is wrong.  Post a pic of the connector you currently have attached to the ignition switch.
Electrical / Re: Problem installing wiring harness
« Last post by greenacres on September 18, 2024, 11:41:30 AM »
You are correct about the wires to the brake light switch.
I assume you are right about the wires to the radio, and I assume I can use those wires for my little stereo CD player.

I have already plugged one large connector into the ignition switch and it has all the correct wire colors. Therefore I don’t see how those other two connectors can go there.

The white connector has wire colors: yellow, brown, pink, light violet.

The black connector has wire colors: orange, pink, black with white stripe, brown with white stripe.
General Discussion / Re: 4x4 Trails!!
« Last post by Shifty on September 18, 2024, 10:40:20 AM »
Very cool!  Thanks for sharing.  :D
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