Author Topic: 1978 Chevy Cheyenne k10 camper special 350.5.7 vb wiring problems  (Read 2098 times)

Offline spyder3333

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i have rebuilt this CHEVY and before i rebuilt it it was running the truck started up , but now it will turn but not stay i read all these schismatics about several different  ways they wired the truck ,i get confused ,man im also very kinda disabled when it comes to that part of the build if i had the right one let me explain my delema , 1978 Chevy Cheyenne k10 350 5.7 v8 pro codes LS9 i put new delco alt and starter new battery well third new battery ,i know its something simple but its like draining batteries i have done this i have tried a wire from the big post to the positive side of the battery grounded the engine to the frame 10 gauge from to  body frame ro trans then my neg cable goes to frame that still drained then i hooked up the start hot to alt hot jumped the agitator wire that goes from the 2 terminal to the hot side of the battery meaning the positive side i just need to have the exact engine wiring for that truck cuz some say some light that turns on the alt  and i need the right plans i dont know if it has a extra relay or junction box that should be there im missing i have a HEI  JUST CONFUSED FIRST TIMER HERE THANKS