73-87 Chevy _ GMC Trucks > Projects Posts (NOT VEHICLES)

Coolant Overflow Tank Options.

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Hey guys,
73' C20 here.

I'm looking to buy an overflow tank, but I'm not too excited about all the plastic out there.
Does anyone have something that looks a bit nicer on their truck?

I've come back to my truck after a year, and finding that my truck is now running at 190f, not 180f
and climbs to 210f, not 205f after I kill the engine. The culprit seems to be that I'm leaking coolant.
I'm thinking it might be my heater core, as it's not the radiator itself or the thermostat.
Yet, this is the first time I'm mixing water into my coolant myself... 50/50, but just worth noting.

Regardless, I'm working on cleaning up the engine bay, and I've never had an overflow tank- now is the time.
I just think the plastic overflow tanks are an eye-sore.

I've found these stainless steel ones:

Does anyone agree or have any experience with this?
How much volume should one have in their overflow? 18oz, 30oz, more?

Find out the volume of a stock ugly plastic jug and try to match it.

Not unusual for the temp to rise upon stopping the engine. You have gone from cooling to a static state. The heat has to dissipate ergo the temp rise.

Those stainless units do look cool, Thanks for the tip!

Good idea, Johnny.
I'll do some digging online and in the service manual to see what volume the stock overflow was.

You're absolutely right about the temp rising after the engine stops- but, it just seems to be a little more than usual.
Fair, it's only 5degrees higher than normal, yet I've always had a keen eye on that temp gauge for years now, so I can 'sense/feel' that something isn't 100% right.
Especially cause it's chilly out at the moment... Who knows, could be the gauge itself.

I'll keep a closer eye on it, and replace the heater core soon as well.

Alright- I'm back with details.

I've learned the overflow tank is referred to as 'Coolant Recovery Tank' in the service manual and a 'Puke Tank' online.
It appears the original plastic recovery tank was 2 quarts (64 ounces.)

I'm eyeballing this 50-ounce stainless steel tank at the moment, but will shop more to be sure:

The question now is, how does one know where their cold and hot fill lines are?

Check this one out from Brothers: Pretty cool...


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