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LS1 Truck Raceday at SAR(TX)
I'm not sure what time it starts yet, but I'll find out. It's being hosted by Nelson Performance and they have a good bit of sponsors. Only GM powered trucks are allowed to race(though there's talk of ONE Ford Lightning being allowed to race). It's going to be at SAR(San Antonio Raceway) off of I10 on February 20th.
I was planning to go, but I'm not sure yet. They seem to look down on "tin cans" like mine that are trailered to the track...especially if it's not super fast. Who knows, I might just take my truck and park in the back so nobody can see me. It would be great for some of you guys to show up and represent the old school trucks. I know of 2 LSx powered 73-87 trucks that might make it. Last time there was a white BBC powered one that was running 10's, and a blue one with a 377 that was running low 12's on motor.
Here's a few pics of the ones that were there last year.
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