73-87 Chevy _ GMC Trucks > Members Rides

Blazer truck buggy

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Well, I am still picking away at this project as time permits.  I really need to put a heater in the garage.

I decided to dive into refurbishing the brakes.  I got all new calipers, pads, rotors, drums, shoes, hoses, NiCopp brakes lines, and some hardware kits for about $375 from Rock Auto.

Despite everything being thoroughly rusted it all came apart without much fuss, but it was a dirty job.  I didnt go crazy painting all the reusable parts, just cleaned them up.

Its been a while since I overhauled some drum brakes, so I have a couple questions.  The kit came with these small clips (see pic) that I have no idea where they go.

Also, the drums I got had these metal slugs on them that I assume are balancing weights?  Two werent even attached when I opened the box.  Another popped right off when I gave it a little tug.  I thought maybe they are for shipping and should be taken off after installation?  Then I looked at the old drums and they had something similar.  Should I weld them back on?  This vehicle will probably not see the pavement much, although the further I get along the more I believe I can make it pass inspection.

Those metal clips plug up the Brake adjustment holes. I like those metal ones better than the rubber. They just press in so you can pop them out to adjust the brakes.

Great progress!

Your first pics of the motor had bolts on the top of the valve cover, ergo my question about them being Vortec.

The latest pics have them on the sides rails... ???

Thanks for the reply Mike - I am glad that I don't have to take everything apart to put those on!

Johnny, the engine in the first pictures is the original stock one from the 89 Blazer.  Its got a pretty bad bottom end knock.  The one that I am using originally came in the 82 GMC that is off being painted.  That truck got a new crate motor.

I guess those weights on the drums are for balancing.  They seem pretty big - not sure how a drum can be that out of balance.  If they don't interfere with mounting the wheels I will probably JB weld them back on.


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