
Technical Forum (Read Only) => Accessories and Body Tech => Topic started by: JJSZABO on July 03, 2007, 10:05:15 am

Title: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on July 03, 2007, 10:05:15 am
I've started to replace the rockers on the 86 C-10 and have a question concerning the inner rockers.  I understand how the factory made the inner and outer rockers but am confused on the replacement inner rocker.  Please see:


Does the horizontal piece support the replacement floor pan?

Is the back vertical piece make up the pinch weld or is it part of the raised seat section?

Sorry for the stupid questions but I want to do this right the first time.

I think this is the way it goes - yes?!? ???

Thanks for looking,

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on July 03, 2007, 08:21:10 pm

Here is where I am right now:



Front of rocker completely removed - Metal good just rusty - Need to sand blast:


Cab supports are solid, just rusty - need to sand blast:


All rotten metal removed from driver side - ready to sand blast:


What do you think?  Any advice?

Thanks for looking,

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on July 03, 2007, 11:52:13 pm
Been there done that a few hundred times!
 in the pics you have it clamped in the correct position etc.
First off, keep in mind that your a pillar / door post is not supported. You might have to jack it up as they tend to drop when the rust mongers are cut away. I have had them drop as much as a 1/2 inch.
 Second finish cutting off the outer rocker. Leave the inner rocker / floor part under it.
 Screw it all together including the outer rocker, then mount the door, use the roof and cab corner as a guide, make sure the rocker line is good gap wise and flush with the door the whole length of it. Make sure the door doesn't rub on the rocker when its closed.  DO NOT weld anything until you make all the adjust ments. I use hex head 5/16 self drilling screws to hold it all together. If things don't fit good you can unscrew and adjust.
 Something else I do is tack weld the cab mount bolt nut in. The sheet metal cage that holds it from spinning some times gives it up. I also replace the flat part which covers the mount nut and ties the rocker / floor support to the cab mount with a piece of thick sheet metal. This give you something to plug weld the floor down to.

 Here are some floor panel pics.
Looking up from the bottom. Notice the plug welds all along the floor suports etc. I get it fit good then trace around the suports for a guide to drilling the plug weld holes.
The top side of the floor.'
Screwed in place.
Rocker pics.
The end toward the cab in the pic is the front. What is facing the camera is the top of the outer rocker. You see I have plug weld holes in it to weld it down to the inner rocker.
You see the plug weld holes on the bottom lip to weld to the inner rocker?
 in that pic I have it screwed into place.
Same goes for the cab corner, in the pic notice the plug weld holes.
Dont drill down to far on the front edge of the corner, its a pain the grind the weld down close to the rocker.
Checking the door fit here.
All welded up.
Drivers side welded up, and getting the once over from the boss!
Primed and seam sealed.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on July 04, 2007, 07:44:22 am
Blazin you are the man! ;D  I hope someday I can repay you for all the great advice.  If you ever find your way to Maryland, look me up - I owe you a cold one.

I just ordered foot well patches.  As I was cutting away the rot, I noticed the rust had migrated through the foot well area also.  So I will wait for those to arrive before I start to put thing back together.

Thanks again for being patient with me.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on July 04, 2007, 10:01:35 pm
Maryland huh. My father grew up in Baltimore, during the depression. He told me about as a kid grown men would try and steal his groceries on the street car. He would have to fight them to keep them. I guess thats what made him a tough SOB.
 My aunt still lives on the outskirts of Baltimore.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on July 05, 2007, 07:15:00 am
I am actually from west central Maryland - Frederick.  But originally from the Pittsburgh, Pa Area.  Moved to Maryland in the early eighties to attend the University of Maryland and never left.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on July 05, 2007, 10:08:30 pm
I don't know the state at all. Last time I went through that neck of the woods was about 6 years ago. I called my aunt and told her I was about three hours south of her and heading north. She told me she wasn't up to any company! She has MS, but it had been about 12 years since I had seen here last. Oh well my father was never close with her or his brother.
 Keep us posted on your project.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Mr79C10 on July 07, 2007, 12:44:40 pm
GREAT post! I might need to be doing this, Ill post my pics soon for advice
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 01, 2007, 08:40:30 pm
Update Time - Finally had time to work on the drivers side rot - rocker, both inner and outer, floor pan, cab corner, and foot well.

From the pictures above - you can see the before, now the after:

After Grinding:


Still need some bondo work around cab corner:


Need to let the seam sealer dry so I can sand and epoxy:

Thanks for looking....


Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on September 02, 2007, 05:31:03 am
Looks pretty good, floor has a nice tight looking fit. Is the bottom of your outer cab corner welded yet? Its a bit out of whack with the rocker is all. You've had your door on and checked it doesn't scrape the rocker or it line up good?
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 02, 2007, 07:46:59 pm
Blazin - thanks for looking.

Had the door on before I started to weld and after spot welding - fits good.  I am using junk yard doors that I got off a suburban - so, for the initial fitting they didn't rub.  I also replaced the pins and bushing on all my door hinges which helped with the door placement.

I just couldn't get the bottom of the of the cab corner to match up real well. It was a b**ch just to get it to fit as well as you see.  (Is the bottom of your outer cab corner welded yet?) - I didn't know it was supposed to be welded.  I'll go back and see if I can weld it - THANKS for the advice.

I figured for this being my first time at real body work, and this is for my son to use as a daily driver, and the bottom of the cab corner is low on the truck I could live with it being out of whack (but the perfectionist in me is telling me to try and fix it).

Oh by the way, I did spot weld the bottom of the outer rocker to the inner rocker - I just missed the cab corner.

Thanks for all your help - I'll post more pictures when I finish the passenger side.  I have to replace a small portion of the floor and the cab corner.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on September 02, 2007, 08:05:36 pm
I drill holes and plug / spot weld the bottom of the outer cab corner the same as the rocker.You could trim it strait to the rocker rand then re bend the little lip on the bottom edge. Might not be perfect to the rocker but from a distance it would not look so out of whack.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Captkaos on September 04, 2007, 05:42:01 pm
Looks good, Just a question, but could you not get the bottom of the cab corner up level with the rocker?
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 04, 2007, 07:22:17 pm
Captkaos - yes, I could not get the cabcorner up level with the rocker for two reasons:  When I first bought the truck it was missing the drivers side cab corner (see picture below) and though it is hard to see in the picture, the bottom of the inner cab corner was pushed in towards the frame.  I had to do some hammer and dolley work to get it close. 


The second reason, I had the passanger side to compare it to and the passenger side was not pushed up even with the rocker panel, thus I thought it was "normal".  Although, this past weekend I found out why - someone had replaced that cab corner with a slip on cab corner and left the original rotted metal underneith - see picture below


Also, I was not aware I was supposed to weld the bottom of the outer cab corner to the bottom of the rocker/inner cab corner.  Blazin has been a GREAT help through all of this. 

I used vise grips to hold the bottom of the cab corner to the inner cab corner and it looks better, but still is below the replaced rocker.  The perfectionist is telling me to use Blazin's method to fix the problem.

I hope you understood all of this - sometimes I feel like a blind mouse trying to navigate a maze. 

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: 123 pugsy on September 04, 2007, 08:11:04 pm
Excellent job and pics.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 17, 2007, 08:39:19 pm
Another update:

Passenger side cab corner - I got this side correct.  I ran out of shielding gas for the MIG so have to wait to weld:

A section of rocker was replaced due to rust hole - Still need bondo (tiger hair):

Patch for the floor:

How do I repair this area - some small rust holes I've coated with Eastwood's rust converter.  Could I just patch with seam sealer because it is covered or should I replace with metal?

Let me know what you think?

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on September 18, 2007, 07:12:20 am
Depends on how long you want it to last? Metal will last allot longer. Just remember to cover your winshield so weld spatter dosn't stick to it.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 18, 2007, 07:16:39 am
Metal it is then  ;)  thanks blazin!
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: anesthes on September 19, 2007, 10:21:17 am
I haven't been here in a while. Been working on the GMC on and off, and the Vette too.

GMC progress. The floor pix show black beauty everywhere because my girlfriend took the pix
right after I was sandblasting the passenger side, but before I cleaned everything up. The driver side
was done the day before.


New rockers, new cab corner, driver floor, fenders, inner fenders, ENGINE, 4" lift springs, shocks.

Truck is an '84 GMC short bed, 4x4, TH350 trans, 350 TBI, 7 1/2' fisher plow.

-- Joe

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 19, 2007, 06:32:06 pm
Good looking project.  How do you like using the black beauty?  I use #2 q-rock in my sandblaster (with resperator).  I've wanted to try Black beauty but thought it might be too agressive.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on September 20, 2007, 12:17:13 am
I use Black Beauty well now called Patriot Blast around here allthe time. I use the extra fine stuff 3060 or 3061. It gets into the pits better and leaves a nicer finish.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 20, 2007, 07:33:01 am
So there is different grades?  I know with q-rock (quartz washed and sifted sand) I can get it in 0, 1, 2, 3 grade.  0 being very fine and 3 as being very coarse.

I can buy blackbeauty at our local rental shop.  What grades would you recommend I get?  The next step on my project is sandblasing the bottom of the cab and bed.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Blazin on September 20, 2007, 07:50:24 am
I recommend 3061 fine or 3060 extra fine. I think there is one more even finer but then you are getting into less aggressive in my opinion. I buy mine by the pallet right from the plant. 64 50 lb bags a bit less than $200. All the auto parts stores buy it at the same place in large quantities, have it delivered to their warehouse, and get $8.50 to $10.00 a 50 lb bag
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on September 20, 2007, 08:33:30 am
I'll try it - Thanks!!
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ChaseDale3and8 on November 07, 2007, 06:17:34 pm
This is a very informative thread guys! I was wondering something though. Did you leave the replacement panels overlapped when you welded them in, or did you just screw all the parts together, then mark where the old metal needed to be cut for a butt weld, disassemble, cut the old metal back for the butt weld, and then start clamping the parts together and butt weld it all? Or did you just leave it as is in the pictures and plug weld the parts together. I'm just wondering what method you used here, and what works the best to get a really good fit and finish. ...Joe
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on November 07, 2007, 08:10:54 pm
I overlapped the metal about 1/4 inch and screwed them together and lap welded them.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ChaseDale3and8 on November 08, 2007, 08:23:29 am
Thanks! Looks like you did a real good job on it! I'll be watching the rest of your build. Can't wait to see what it looks like when you get done, because it looks to be a great looking truck in the making! ...Joe
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on November 08, 2007, 08:26:05 am
It's great to see these trucks go from being scrap metal to a whole new life.  It's fun too - just heavy on the wallet.  HAHAHA
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ChaseDale3and8 on November 08, 2007, 06:41:22 pm
No kidding! But they are a lot cheaper than making truck payments, trust me, I know! ...Joe
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Mr79C10 on November 18, 2007, 04:46:25 am
Most excellent, When you get new floor pans are they that size? 
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: JJSZABO on November 18, 2007, 03:08:00 pm
They are usually a little larger - I had to cut them down to the size I need.  The extended cab floor section measures 24"W X 33"H.  That is what I used.  I started with the five piece cab repair kit sold on this site. 
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Captkaos on November 19, 2007, 11:18:30 am
We are going to add a new 5 piece kit option that is the smaller floor piece, it is going to be $52.95...
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: malibu795 on September 15, 2009, 08:07:41 pm
We are going to add a new 5 piece kit option that is the smaller floor piece, it is going to be $52.95...

found this via yahoo  .. got to love the search function :)

who makes the metal? its cheaper then goodmark,  , jcwhitney and brothers

BTW OP how did the truck turn out? its been ~2 years :)

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: Captkaos on September 16, 2009, 12:01:31 am
TriPlus, same people that stamp Goodmark.  Well are a distributor for Goodmark also, but some of the parts are not all Triplus.

There is a post on JJ's truck here somewhere recently.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ModelKing on August 06, 2012, 08:36:16 am


First off, I'm sorry for bringing up such an old topic, but I've been having trouble figuring this out  myself. How do you weld the floor to the cab support? On my truck, that horizontal piece on the inner rocker is holding the floor up above the cab support about an inch and a half, and there is no way the weld them together. Though it could just be me and it's supposed to be like that, and if that's the case I'm sorry for bringing this up.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: thirsty on August 06, 2012, 01:09:41 pm
These repair panels are close but not a perfect fit. You have to do some fitting and tweaking to get them in. You might need to cut some off the inner rocker top or bottom to get the floor to drop down further. Or you might have to rework the flange of your floor piece that sits down on the inner rocker. Maybe both. The floor pan is intended to be cut in flush but most people including myself lay them on top for a little extra strength. What I meant by that was I leave a 1/2" of the original floor to go under my new floor pan where I can. That always raises it up some too. When I recently did the drivers side of my current truck I added some flat stock to the cab support too.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ModelKing on August 06, 2012, 01:56:33 pm
These repair panels are close but not a perfect fit. You have to do some fitting and tweaking to get them in. You might need to cut some off the inner rocker top or bottom to get the floor to drop down further. Or you might have to rework the flange of your floor piece that sits down on the inner rocker. Maybe both. The floor pan is intended to be cut in flush but most people including myself lay them on top for a little extra strength. What I meant by that was I leave a 1/2" of the original floor to go under my new floor pan where I can. That always raises it up some too. When I recently did the drivers side of my current truck I added some flat stock to the cab support too.

Hey thanks for the help! If it's not too much trouble could you please take some pictures of what you did to your truck? Thanks.
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: thirsty on August 07, 2012, 06:36:49 am
Basically my pictures are the same as in this thread except I don't have a picture of the flat stock used to shim the floor support to rocker panel piece.

This was cutting the rust out of the floor. It wasn't completely cut out in this picture but you can see the support I was talking about. At this step I fit the floor too.

I fit the inner rocker panel where I needed it. On this one I had to cut the bottom of it off some. Then I laid the floor back in and and measured the gap between the support and the new floor and shimmed it to fit with flat stock.

Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: ModelKing on August 07, 2012, 02:27:11 pm
Thanks a lot man, Really helped me out! Thank you!
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: nucknoel89 on September 01, 2012, 10:52:33 pm
Sorry to bump this, but is the floor pan spot welded from factory (like everything else)? I'm still removing the old sheetmetal and my floor is pretty scaly with rust so I can't really tell.  I've got it cut around the edges and I've cut the spot welds on the side of the floor brace (that part is the inner rocker, I guess).  Any help?
Title: Re: Inner Rocker Panel Question
Post by: hotrod24 on September 02, 2012, 09:56:36 am
Yep all of the sheet metal on these trucks from the factory was spot welded...