Author Topic: 86 c10 fuel pump/tank (LS Swap)  (Read 3187 times)

Offline 86restoc10

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86 c10 fuel pump/tank (LS Swap)
« on: May 06, 2019, 10:36:13 AM »
It has come time to start ordering my fuel system. I've been on the fence about relocating my tank to the back, ordering a tank/pump unit or just ordering the pump and everything needed to fit into my stock tank. Has anyone used the Holley tank/pump kit? What route would you experts recommend. I have done a ton of research but want some real world experience. Looking to be around 400-500 whp for the time being until I get ready to go turbo then I'll be shooting for 900-1000wheel. Thanks guys.

Offline Gwtt

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Re: 86 c10 fuel pump/tank (LS Swap)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2019, 04:37:08 AM »
Many options. You can go areomotive , VaporWorx (utilizing factory GM components which are easily  obtained. And many others. I bought areomotive but after the fact wished I went with a fuel cell and welded a GM ring to utilize a Ctsv pump(s)