I was saying IF I take it to bare metal I use several methods. Which one I use depends on the type of job, and or the panel I am working on. Kind of a judgment cal if you know what I mean. In your case if I would leave the white on if
(1) It is in good shape.
(2) If your building a driver, not a show truck.
Also the area of the country you are from I am willing to bet the sheet metal is probably in great shape rust wise.
As far as a DA yes Dual Action. Meaning the pad moves in two different directions. I do use 36 grit on a 6" DA once in a while but usually the coarsest grit I use on my 6' DA is 80 grit. I use 36 grit on my big grinder on an 8" pad to strip paint. Also on my mud eater with an 8" pad for cutting body filler down. Mud eater is almost the same as a DA but is an 8" pad, turns allot slower RPMs, and the circular motions are bigger in diameter. Wal Mart doesn't sell Air Craft Stripper around here. The only places I know to get it is an auto parts store with a paint counter.
POR 15 is a great product but double the price of Chassis Saver, and they are the same thing.
( POR stands for Paint Over Rust. )
It says on the cans you can go over tightly adhered rust, or sand blasted metal. I have gone over rust hundreds of times and never had it come through. Yes you can top coat them but it has to be done before they cure, or you have to use their special etching primers to get a top coat to stick. Not topcoating them will be OK if they are not exposed to UV light, ( the sun ). On the other hand I am a sucker for if a little is good allot has to be better!! As far as spraying it you don't need to that stuff flows out so nice. When you spray it you need to have a complete body coverage, face shield etc. as it does not come off your skin once its been there for a bit. Spraying it blows back on you. Trust me I learned this the hard way. Had a lightly black speckled face for about a month!
Do a search of old posts here I, and a few others have written tons of stuff on these types of things, along with body work etc. Also go to a book store (Barnes & Nobles or similar ) Get a few books on body work basics etc. Also I am not one to brag about the car and truck magazines articles on body work most times because some of the stuff they publish is real but can get you in trouble if your not carefull. But Peterson's 4 wheel and off road, & Hot Rod both have good write ups on body, & paint work this month.
The transfer case is a 208. I might be wrong but I don't think there is such an animal as a 206.
Tearing right into it though looks like good progress.