Author Topic: Possibly a Product Reviews forum  (Read 3285 times)

Offline Skunksmash

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Possibly a Product Reviews forum
« on: August 01, 2009, 03:29:03 PM »
One of the major computer hardware forums that I am a member of has a section called "Product reviews done by members" (or something to that effect). At any given time you can see at least 15 people browsing that forum. Well, I think it's cause people like to know what they are getting before they buy it. Who wouldn't? I thought of this because of some tail lights I recently purchased. My old ones were worn, faded, and chipped. Even doing all the little tricks to get them back into shape just would not have made them look near as good as a new pair. And of course, I had to buy aftermarket. And of course, as with any aftermarket part that I have ever bought (save a select few) it had something wrong with it. Just one of those little bothersome quirks that really don't warrant returning the item, but just get on your nerves. Besides, even if you returned it and went with another company or whatever, odds are you are just going to be paying to ship it back and get the new one shipped to you... so that you can have the exact same part. Most of them make get their parts from the same place. Even if not, more than likely you are just going to find some flaw with the other one as it is aftermarket as well. So it would be nice if we could single out all these little differences and establish what is and is not acceptable to us before we waste money and feel disappointed and cheated. I think that in the interest of customer service that this would be a great idea. After all, maybe the chrome trim on the tail lights being too fat bothers me, but is perfectly acceptable to someone else. Maybe not. Either way, I'd like a chance to know before I spent my money. I think all of the members here would too. Just my .02.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 03:32:41 PM by Skunksmash »

Offline Skunksmash

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Re: Possibly a Product Reviews forum
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 10:45:57 PM »
No one has an opinion?