Author Topic: 4x4 Square Body newbie  (Read 5708 times)

Offline gmcowner22

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4x4 Square Body newbie
« on: May 22, 2023, 12:46:04 pm »
Bear in mind Im not "new" to 4x4's in general (my last truck was a '01 Dodge Ram 4x4 Off Road) but as the subject says when it comes to square body's I'm new to 4x4, being that my last square  body was a 1980 C-10.  Heres my problem, so my truck is a 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic and for the first time after getting it back from the mechanic I drove it to work which is 19 miles away in the next town. Everything went fine going to work, but coming home was another story. When I left work everything was fine, but after I had went not more than 1000 ft or more I suddenly heard a terrible noise from the front that sounded like I had a wolverine or a badger caught in the wheel, I slowed abit and the loud growl went away replaced by a constant squeak/chirp. I managed to limp the truck home somehow. Anyways I know what the squeal is, my bearings but thats not the newbie part.

So the next morning I went out to check the tuck to see if I could see any visible problems, like the stub shaft joint let go, found the lugs were lose and one was missing, but when I checked the hubs I could pull them out maybe a quarter of an inch or so on both sides. Is this normal or do I need new hubs or just tighten up the ones I have?
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1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic "Patch"

Offline JohnnyPopper

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2023, 02:54:39 pm »
I think the last part of your post is causing some confusion, at least for me..

What do you mean by 'hubs', do you mean lugs? The ones pressed in your rotors?

I imagine the treads where the wheel/rim was riding is damaged but how bad?

Pics would help... 8)
1957 Apache 3100 235 Inline 6, 3 on the tree
1973 C-20, 3+3 454 4BBL TH400  Water Injection
1978 K-10, 350 4BBL TH350 NP203 M.M. Part time Kit/Hubs
1980 C-10 under construction

Offline VileZambonie

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2023, 04:18:06 pm »
What did your mechanic do with the truck? The hubs should not be loose nor should the lug nuts. Don't drive it til you fix it.
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74 GMC, 75 K5, 84 GMC, 85 K20, 86 k20, 79 K10

Offline JohnnyPopper

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2023, 05:11:06 pm »
I had the same thought-1 day out of the shop  ::)
1957 Apache 3100 235 Inline 6, 3 on the tree
1973 C-20, 3+3 454 4BBL TH400  Water Injection
1978 K-10, 350 4BBL TH350 NP203 M.M. Part time Kit/Hubs
1980 C-10 under construction

Offline gmcowner22

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2023, 07:41:37 am »
I think the last part of your post is causing some confusion, at least for me..

What do you mean by 'hubs', do you mean lugs? The ones pressed in your rotors?

I imagine the treads where the wheel/rim was riding is damaged but how bad?

Pics would help... 8)

I mean the lock in lock out hubs not the lug studs themselves.
As for what they did they put new tires on the truck along with the inspection, I do recall them saying something about needing lug nuts at the time but dont remember if they put any on or not. So unless someone got in a hurry the nuts should be tight. I reported the fact that my truck was wandering when I was driving to my mechanic and he told me it was just "normal" square body steering and that I was used to driving a newer truck.
I dont plan on driving the truck till I get it fixed, just thought Id ask.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
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1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic "Patch"

Offline Mike81K10

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2023, 03:10:04 pm »
I think your mechanic is blowing smoke. My truck does not wonder and it is an 81 K10. You need to inspect your suspension, joints, and power steering for tightness if it is wandering (loose). Check everything out and attach pictures any potential problems and someone on the forum can provide feedback.

The lockout hubs should not be loose either. My lockouts are not at all loose. And it does not make sense that you may need lug nuts, unless you are missing some. If over torqued the studs can stretch and break. That is why lug nuts should be torqued to specs.
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Offline VileZambonie

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2023, 05:46:31 pm »
Is he the cheapest guy in town? Does he think torque wrenches are only for head gaskets (sometimes) ? Does he smoke Winstons?
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74 GMC, 75 K5, 84 GMC, 85 K20, 86 k20, 79 K10

Offline gmcowner22

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2023, 07:54:04 am »
to the first part yes, to the second and third parts no. I only took the truck to him based on the recommendations of my girlfriend and I trust her judgement (After all shes with me isnt she lol) and up till now Ive not had a reason to question him. But I'm also wondering how much of it is also due top the previous owner too, you know the one that told me the truck was 95 percent complete when it was actually 85% (I think he meant body wise anyways).

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
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1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic "Patch"

Offline JohnnyPopper

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2023, 10:11:24 am »
So your you can grab your hubs and pull them out a 1/4 inch? Against the rotor locked in the disc brakes?

Something is really off here.

I'd find a mechanic that doesn't smoke Pall Mall cigs.

I wouldn't tell my girl though. Some things they just don't need to know... ;)
1957 Apache 3100 235 Inline 6, 3 on the tree
1973 C-20, 3+3 454 4BBL TH400  Water Injection
1978 K-10, 350 4BBL TH350 NP203 M.M. Part time Kit/Hubs
1980 C-10 under construction

Offline Mike81K10

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2023, 02:24:39 pm »
Does she know enough about vehicles to recommend a mechanic? I would not trust my wife of 40 years to recommend a mechanic and she would trust me to recommend a beauty salon for her.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

Offline VileZambonie

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2023, 05:27:16 pm »
Well once he touched it as a "professional" he is responsible for reporting these issues and making sure your wheels aren't falling off after he returns it to you... but the cheapest guy in town is never a professional so there's that.
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74 GMC, 75 K5, 84 GMC, 85 K20, 86 k20, 79 K10

Offline JohnnyPopper

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Re: 4x4 Square Body newbie
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2023, 09:13:16 pm »
Just re-read you initial post. Tires. Loosen lugs, no righty tighty to proper torque.

Still can understand how you can pull your hubs 1/4" out. Not normal, there should be no observable play.

Still trying to understand where the wolverine and badger sound came from, only to be muted to a click.
1957 Apache 3100 235 Inline 6, 3 on the tree
1973 C-20, 3+3 454 4BBL TH400  Water Injection
1978 K-10, 350 4BBL TH350 NP203 M.M. Part time Kit/Hubs
1980 C-10 under construction