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Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Rough75C20 on Today at 06:23:17 PM »
No brake booster on this truck. The pedal does return to the full home position after pushing down on the brake. However the pedal won’t push down very far maybe two to three inches before it is very hard to push. Just seems like the MC isnt relieving the pressure. The service history is unknown. I replaced calipers, rotors and pads because the brakes were locked up and upon removing the calipers the seals were all rotted and falling apart. Also did rear shoes, wheel cylinder and hardware. Also replaced all rubber lines as I have heard those swell over time and could cause the condition I am having.i also replaced all of the old fluid with new fluid but didn’t help. Brakes have been this way since I bought the truck a couple months ago. Was hoping the calipers were bad but doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m going to buy a new master and bench bleed and rebleed all the lines.hopefully that is the fix. The only things that weren’t replaced in the system were the master cylinder, the proportioning valve and a couple sections of metal line that were replaced more recently before I got the truck.
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by bd on Today at 05:34:18 PM »
I agree with this ^^^^^.

Still, ensure the brake pedal is fully returning and not hanging up.  If the pedal moves freely, build pressure again by applying the brakes as before.  Assuming the brakes are locked up again, remove the M/C mounting nuts and slide the M/C forward, away from the power brake booster.  If the brakes release simply by sliding the M/C forward, replace the power booster.  Otherwise, bench bleed a replacement M/C and perform a COMPLETE AND THOROUGH FLUID FLUSH, FRONT AND REAR, USING FRESH BRAKE FLUID FROM A PREVIOUSLY UNOPENED CONTAINER.

Do you know the truck's service history?  Did someone top off the brake fluid in recent weeks?  What's the backstory that led you to replace the calipers and hoses?

Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by VileZambonie on Today at 05:16:52 PM »
Sounds like you need a master cylinder.
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Rough75C20 on Today at 03:52:28 PM »
Yes, when cracking the front line at the master cylinder brake fluid comes out obviously, but it also relieved the pressure in the front lines and the wheels speed freely. Bad master cylinder?
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Rough75C20 on Today at 03:05:39 PM »
I will check this. Didn’t try that yet. Will get back asap.
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by bd on Today at 12:20:27 PM »
Do the discs release if you crack the line to the front brakes at the master cylinder?
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Rough75C20 on Today at 12:13:17 PM »
Is the proportioning valve something that goes bad normally and could cause this issue? I would think blocking the valve would allow fluid to easily flow through the system.
Brakes and Braking Systems / Re: Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Mike81K10 on Today at 11:32:15 AM »
Even if you used the tool to block it, there is still a chance the tool was used on a bad proportioning valve.
Brakes and Braking Systems / Front brakes still locked up
« Last post by Rough75C20 on Today at 11:00:00 AM »
Hello all,

Having an issue with front brakes getting locked up after pushing the pedal down a couple times. The pressure won’t release. I replaced the calipers and the rubber lines. Already but the problem remains. I’ve also blocked the proportioning valve with a tool that keeps the valve in the middle for bleeding the system so the valve shouldn’t be moving and blocking the front for the pressure to release. Any ideas? Got new calipers from oriley and there aren’t any leaks in the system.
Fuel Systems and Drivability / Re: Temporary Fuel Tank/Setup
« Last post by VileZambonie on September 06, 2024, 05:23:40 PM »
New tank, straps, sending unit is the right way to do it. Otherwise the only safe method is to drop a fuel cell in the bed as a temporary solution.
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